Friday 23 April 2010

5 Bad Comedians that Deserve to Be Out of Work

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5 Bad Comedians that Deserve to Be Out of Work
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Phil Dotree
Published April 27, 2007 by:
Phil Dotree
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More:ComediansAndrew Dice ClayOut of WorkCarlos Mencia
Comedians should be funny, right?

Apparently some people didn't get the memo.

Some comedians are annoying enough that the public eventually turns against them, brutally ripping them out of the spotlight (Gallagher and Carrot Top know the feeling). Some comedians get enough mileage from their tired acts to stay famous. Here's a list of a few comedians that don't deserve to stay famous.

1. Adam Sandler. Remember that movie of his where he climbed into the piano and said in the funny voice, "hey, everybody, look at me, I'm the piano man!" How about the one where he duct-taped a stool to his chest and said in the funny voice, "hey, everybody, look at me, I'm Captain Stool Shirt!" No? Well, they'll be coming to a theater near you soon enough once Sandler gets through his "I'm a serious actor" phase. You're not Jim Carrey, you douche bag, and the transition's never going to happen.

2. Carlos Mencia. There are some rumors on the old Intertubes that Mencia isn't really a Mexican. I think that's beside the point--he's not funny. In fact, there are funnier pinatas. He sucks the funny out of rooms; if you don't believe me, watch back-to-back episodes of Mind of Mencia and the Chappelle Show. You'll actually un-laugh everything you just laughed, and you may end up hating Mexicans, which, quite frankly, isn't fair. They didn't judge us on Adam Sandler, people.

3. Andrew Dice Clay. Who would have thought that you're not automatically funny every time you make a misogynist joke and then shout, "OOOH!"? Not Andrew Dice Clay, who's made a gradually diminishing salary on that shtick since the late '80s. There's a special place in Hell reserved for unwatchable TV shows, and his new reality show should soon join Joanie Loves Chachi there.

4. Dat Phan & Margaret Cho. I'm classifying these two comedians together because they've essentially got the same act--"my parents behave according to traditional Asian values which are sharply juxtaposed with American culture! Also, they mix up their R's and L's!" These two suck because they've somehow found a way to make Asian accents not hilarious.

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