Sunday, 25 April 2010


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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tips on Selecting a Reputable Private Investigator
Tips on Selecting a Reputable Private Investigator

This article is meant to provide advice on how to select a qualified private investigator and how to ensure that they are reliable. The most common misconception is that private detectives can usually be found hiding in bushes or hanging out in nightclubs and all-night diners. Modern-day investigators don’t reflect their Hollywood characters.

In order to remain inconspicuous, private detectives always dress accordingly and use props that enable them to blend in with their surroundings. A good detective will have the ability to quickly adapt to a specific environment, or engage an associate who may be better suited for the task.

An experienced private detective can provide a broad array of services. Many detective agencies in today’s society specialize in providing computer-based research such as locating debtors (skip-tracing). They also may specialize in conducting pre-employment and pre-marital checks, identifying hidden or moved assets (think late on the payments for the jet ski), and criminal background checks. Private investigators are routinely engaged in domestic cases. They may also work undercover (such as in a corporate environment) or provide assistance in criminal defense. Although an imaginative investigator can offer services unknown and unlearned to the average American, new technologies such as GPS allow anyone to conduct surveillance to determine the whereabouts of any individual at any moment in time.

Most private investigators are experienced in the art of surveillance. With today’s technology it is expected that investigators record video footage of their targets. Parents wanting their teens observed on prom night and other social occasions; suspected acts of infidelity; and investigations of an alleged unfit parent during a custody battle are but a few examples where surveillance can be required. Private investigators regularly conduct surveillance on insurance claimants to determine the legitimacy of an injury or to ensure that the applicant is not working while drawing benefits. Quality video or photo evidence can make or break legal work further down the process, making it worthwhile to everyone involved. Depending on the type of practice, most trial attorneys will ultimately need an investigator to conduct some sort of surveillance on an opposing party.

To begin your search, depending on your jurisdiction, start by checking on credentials. Private detectives are trained, licensed, educated, and regulated in many different ways depending on the state. Surprisingly, states still exist that do not require an investigator to obtain a license or work under regulations. If your state has a licensing agency, contact them for research in order to ensure that the individual (or company) is certified and has no complaints with that department. By asking a few simple questions, you may be able to avoid possible legal or ethical issues later.

Once you have narrowed down your list of possibilities, contact all the necessary state, county, or city agencies to inquire (or verify) that an individual or company has an up-to-date business license. Don’t forget to check under both the company and the individual’s names since a business license could be applied for and modified rather easily. A business license will tell you when the company was formed, it’s structure (a corporation or a partnership), and who its officers are. Cross-reference any names listed with the state’s listing of licensed investigators to create a list of all individuals who are licensed by that company. Even better, if the company is incorporated, contact your secretary of state’s office to inquire as to its status there.

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